Baking by day, drafting by night
From Pixels to Pencils May 02, 2014
Breaking all of John’s rules about kitchen spacing, I placed my $160 (on super sale baby!) Crate and Barrel counter-height table in the middle of my kitchen. It’s utterly awesome because I spread out all my stuff there when I bake. We’ve also used it for our homemade pizza assembly space. I eat my greek-yogurt-breakfast-of-champions on it every morning. I sip my cold-brewed coffee while reading my Flipboard articles on my iPad. I LOVE this table, even though it leaves less than 36 in. between it and the kitchen countertops. I admit, it is a tight squeeze (yes John, I admit you are right), but it allows me to practically live in my kitchen. Heck, I even use it as my drafting table as I study and draw there. Hands down my favorite spot in the house.